Why cPanel is the Best Hosting Control Panel

Short answer: It rocks!

cPanel: User-friendly design, intuitive navigation and an understandable interface
cPanel: User-friendly design, intuitive navigation and an understandable interface

1. Easy Installation

Unlike other web hosting services that require complex setup conditions, the cPanel only requires a LINUX environment for installation and setup. The manufacturers of cPanel have already programmed cPanel to incorporate installation features. Users can install and run cPanel with minimum requirements including 512 MB RAM, 266 MHZ and available disk space of 10 GB.

2. Versatile email control

Users of cPanel can exercise maximum control over email hosting incluidng features like adding email accounts, deletion, editing and forwarding among others. Other important cPanel email features include specifying email box sizes, configuring email clients and customized autoresponders.

Advanced features include 'SpamAssasin' that deletes any unwanted emails or categorizes spam mails into 'white lists' and black lists'. The user can also set email filters to customized settings for easier manageability.

3. Security

Security is the biggest worry experienced by any user including veteran programmers. Security benefits offered by cPanel include 'Leech Protection'; a feature that protects secure areas of a website from outside infilterators. Other security features include the 'IP Deny Manager' that prevents unauthorized users from accessing single or multiple IP addresses.

4. SSH/Shell Security

One of the most delicate operations online is the sending of files containing confidential information. Users can activate the SSH/Shell (SSH stands for Secure Shell that typically connects the port 22 site on two computers to effect a transfer) security feature that allows for secure transfer of files over the Internet.

In addition, the GNUPG (GNU licensed Public Guard Software) keys allow public encryption of private areas of a webiste for a limited amount of time. This time limit can be set by the user. For users who own and operate ecommerce stores, cPanel offers what it calls the SSL/TLS security service. SSl stands for Secure Sockets Layer and TLS is Transport Layer Security. Both offer extra protection against theft of sensitive information (including bank and payment information) online.

5. File Management

Users gain access to automatic backup services that save entire directories including MySQL, home directories as well as email filters etc. In the event of a power failure or a website crash, the user has the option of uploading these important files from the backup version.

6. Legacy Manager and File Manager

Legacy Manager that offers file access and functionality from any location. In other words users can move, copy, delete edit or create files from any location as long they use the correct passord and login information. The 'File Manager' is a more user-friendly variant of the Legacy Manager and offers an easier interface including the

7. Domain Management

Users can create and view multiple sub-domains simultaneously as well as modify web-pages without having to make changes to htaccess files. In addition, cPanel offers add-on domains that can be linked to a single hosting account. The users can link 'parked domains' (unused domains) to their primary domain through the use of DNS servers.

8. Friendly User Interface

The biggest plus point of cPanel is that it offers a simple and intuitive user interface that uses graphics and colors to make navigation and understanding easy, even for those who do not possess technical knowledge about web hosting.

9. Integration features

Users can choose to integrate cPanel with an auto-installer like Fantastico. Fantastico is able to support more than 50 open source scripts. Using open source scripts saves time and effort and the user can create or make changes to web-pages with a few simple clicks. Some important script features include the ability to suspend or delete email accounts and also the option to restart the server over SSH.

10. VPS Optimization

Users gain access to an impressive array of VPS (Virtual Private Server) optimization features. Users typically face problems of slow website or application functioning during times when there is high competition for resources.
Michael Lederstatter
Written by
Michael Lederstatter
Editor  |  Founder
Web Designer & Webmaster since 1998
Crazy about reviewing Web Hosts
Husband, Daddy and Tech-Weirdo